How to Franchise Your Business Properly, Save Yourself Money, and Grow Strategically

Rosen Franchise Consulting

Personalized Consulting Agency Helping Small Business Owners Thrive on Your Path to Franchising

Looking Into Franchising Your Business and Want Your Questions Answered?

Questions Like:

  • Who should I hire as my legal partner?
  • Is franchising the right model for me?
  • Do I need a broker right away?
  • How do I avoid unnecessary costs?
  • Do I really need an operations manual?

I'm Here to Support You in Navigating the Franchising Process 

makeS you money

growS sustainably 

attractS franchisees

There are so many costly mistakes in the early stages of franchising. I help you navigate those decisions and ensure your franchise is set up to make, not waste, your money.

My approach is all about strategic, long-term growth - from who you partner with to your franchise offering. I want your brand to succeed over time, not be a flash in the pan.

Franchising is a unique model for growth because it involves local owners who invest and believe in the brand. I help you create an offering that attracts the right owners.

Helping You Take Your Current Business and Create a Franchise That:


Years in the Franchise Industry

hey, i'm megan, founder of rfc

Emerging Franchise Superfan, and Usually Found Hiking Mountains or Booking Flights 

For years, at every franchise event I attended I met awesome business owners trying to find information and guidance as they looked into franchising. This industry is amazing (I should know, I practically grew up in it) but it's also complex and there are so many common missteps. I started RFC with the mission to guide business owners through their franchising journey - smoothly and strategically.


Years with Emerging Brands


Years as a Certified Franchise Executive


Top 40 Under 40 Emerging Brand award

My Approach to Franchise Consulting:

Do it RIGHT, Not Just Fast
Helping you create a solid foundation for sustainable, strategic growth.

The Right Partners = Key 
Helping you connect with legal, marketing, and tech partner options!

1:1 Support and Coaching.
Custom consulting  and personalized weekly support to keep you on track.

Shifting Your Mindset 
Moving from business owner to franchisor is all about mindset.

How To Work Together

Get the franchise roadmap and a strategy call to guide your journey

The Franchise Roadmap

2-hour strategy call

Have a trusted partner to coach you through each phase of franchising 

The Franchise Navigation 

customized consulting

  • Initial call to assess your needs
  • Custom strategy for franchising
  • Weekly calls to track progress
  • Email access M-F for questions
  • Guidance from a trusted advisor
  • Partner recommendations
  • Never feel alone in your journey
  • Stop questioning the process
  • Initial call to assess your needs
  • Get your questions answered
  • Learn the franchise process
  • Get my signature roadmap document
  • Deep-dive call to map out steps
  • Affordable solution to get started
  • Partner recommendations
  • Stop questioning the process

Franchise Development for Micro-Emerging Brands

already a franchisor?

If you're already a franchisor and are looking for franchise development support, book a call with me! I take on a select few partners for emerging franchise development services. 

Why Work With RFC?

There are many franchise consulting options out there - here's how you know RFC is the right option for you:

Consulting for BRAND NEWBIES
Specialize in helping business owners successfully enter franchising - and doing it smart!

Smaller, More Personalized Option
Our team is small but mighty - making our pricing more accessible and the support more personal.

Climb The Mountain Together
Partnering with you from the very beginning to make the uphill journey a whole lot easier.

Tell me more about your business
Tell us more about your business

Thanks for submitting your inquiry! We'll be in touch.

Book an Initial Call

Contact me to book a no-pressure discovery call

Franchising is an Adventure. Let's Make Sure You Have The Right Directions

When you have the right supplier partners, understand your ideal franchisees, set up your system properly, and avoid unwise investments in your early days of starting a franchise, you put yourself on the path of sustainable success.

Working With RFC Means:

  • You'll have a business coach to turn to
  • You'll connect with recommended partners
  • Getting your questions answered
  • Having a strategy right from day one
  • Saving money and time
  • Understanding each step of your journey


What's Your Pricing? 
My 1:1 strategy calls start at  $250 and my consulting packages start at $1700 per month.

I'm Not Sure If I Should Franchise.
Franchising is not for every business! I can help explain the pros/cons to help you decide.

Why Do I Need a Consultant? 
Franchising is an industry with lots of costly mistakes and it helps SO MUCH when you're starting out to have guidance and a resource for questions/referrals.

Can You Help Grow My Franchise?
If you're already a franchisor and are looking for franchise development support, book a call with me! I offer emerging franchise development services for select partners.

Who Said Franchise Consulting Had To Be Boring? 

Questions about the franchise process? Interested in some strategy calls to put you on the right track? Also a big fan of espresso martinis and snowy mountain hikes? Reach out! 

cheers to franchising smarter